PAS (Public Address System)
Loudspeaker Cable FFX200 05mRZ1-R/F 2G1.0
RS485 Data Cable RE-02Y(St)H 1P18A
PAS (Public Address System)
1. Specification to be read with EPC Contract/Preliminaries/General Conditions.2. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of Contract and Specification sections, apply to this Section.
3. In particular, refer to these documents for all elements related to costs and responsibility related to delivery, storage, and roll-out –phase.
Related sections
1. Related Sections include the following:
a. Section "Fire Alarm System"
b. Section "Structured Cabling System"
c. Section "Building Management System"
d. Section "Data Network Equipment"
e. Section "Master Clock System"
f. Section "Airport Operational Database System"
g. Section "Data Interface List"
h. Section "Power Distribution"
i. Section "Interior Architectural design"
2. It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate the work of his various subcontractors.
1. The present document is to describe the Public Address System to be installed in the New Passenger Terminal Building of caledonian airport item.
2. The public address system is mainly used to:
a. Broadcast for security announcement,
b. Inform and guide the passengers about departure and arrival flights information, boarding announcements, individual calls, etc
c. Broadcast background music into selected areas.
d. In case of safety emergency, the voice alarms shall come from FAS and shall be broadcasted by the PAS in public areas in compliance standards listed in §
1.7B.2. Messages shall mute the Background Music (BGM) and other messages of lower priority automatically and fire alarm messages shall have full priority on all of them.
3. All parts of the New Passenger Terminal Building shall be covered by a high fidelity and high intelligibility sound system.
4. The End Users are:
a. In the New Passenger Terminal Building:
1) Airline companies in the TERMINAL with microphone stations
2) In the Airport Operation Center (AOC):
a) PAS operator with one microphone station.
b) Fireman in AOC area with one dedicated microphone station.
3) In Building Distributor BD002: maintenance operator with one maintenance workstation and a network printer.
b. In the Existing Terminal:
1) In the Crisis Management Center: PAS operator with one microphone station.
c. PAS operation will be done from AOC and possible from the Crisis Management Center.
d. The PAS system provided shall include all necessary expansion capability.
5. Installation of a complete Public Address System includes the following but not limited to:
a. Workstation with zone selector for distribution to the loudspeaker zones
b. Central System (microphones, preamplifiers, amplifiers, digital recorders, etc)
c. Audio sources (CD players, PC based sources, local microphones etc)
d. Loudspeakers, DSPs,
e. Interfaces with other systems
6. All cables such as loudspeaker's cables, microphone cables (modulation, remote control) and interconnection cables between different devices